Ep. 145 Planning ahead for difficult times and creating a joyful amydala; Knitting shawls, trying mosaic crochet; finishing gnomes; and highlights of Redwood curtain segments

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Brainy: 20:20 Behind the Redwood Curtain. 31:09   What We're Learning from our Knitting: Catherine is enjoying progress on her Stephen West's Twists and Turns shawl knitalong https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/twists--turns-westknits-mkal-2022 and is trying out some fun dyeing techniques for fabric. Margaret reports on mosaic crochet, gnome knitting, and some of her favorite projects from the past. Clearly Helena blog. http://www.clearlyhelena.com/how-to-mosaic-crochet/ Make Gnome Mistake https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/make-gnome-mistake Sarah Schira. https://www.ravelry.com/designers/sarah-schira The pattern I used was I*heart*FATW5. https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/iheartfatw5 rosina crochet.  Rosina Plane. https://www.ravelry.com/designers/rosina-plane Brainy Thing: Catherine points out the value of making a plan in case of unexpected events and Margaret talks about how to develop a Joyous Amygdala. She also mentions some of her favorite Brainy segments from the past https://www.webmd.com/brain/amygdala-what-to-know   Behind the Redwood Curtain: Catherine and Margaret report on highlights from the past from Behind the Redwood Curtain and Catherine advocates for independent podcasts . Catherine promotes the podcast Chronicles from Behind the Redwood Curtain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWjuhpiHo-E     This podcast's future For now, this "Ma and Ma" podcast will stop regular production. We thank all our listeners for their support over the years.                                       Welcome to Episode 145 of Teaching Your Brain to Knit where we share information about planing for unexpected events and how to grow a joyful amygdala. We talk about knitting shawls, dyeing fabric, trying mosaic crochet and finishing a knitted gnome. We also mention highlights from past Behind the Redwood Curtain segments and Catherine promotes another Humboldt podcast. Finally we   report on the future of this podcast.

Ep. 145 Planning ahead for difficult times and creating a joyful amydala; Knitting shawls, trying mosaic crochet; finishing gnomes; and highlights of Redwood curtain segments

Ep. 080 Review of "Beyond Food"; Turning to Lace; Failing Project Creates Great Learning; Walking through Eureka Old Town
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