Mary Stancavage: A Story of Letting Go

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If you and I look at what makes us uncomfortable, that discomfort will show us where attachment lives. It could be things or ideas. Today with the help of Mary Stancavage we look at the should of self. As in I should be like this or that. Or if I am this way or that way, then people will like me. We cling to ideas of self, we cling to relationships because they are our identity. Because we are afraid of the alternative. Who am I if I am not this carefully constructed self that I have created and that I present to the world? And that can be really uncomfortable. And that means it is time to drop below this story, like dropping below the idea of being cool or different or fitting in, whatever it is that your self-image is doing for you.  Ask yourself, "What is fueling that?" Somewhere beneath it all is the reason we are hanging on to this idea of who we are.

Mary Stancavage: A Story of Letting Go

Mary Stancavage: A Story of Letting Go
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