Contemplating the Wisdom of “Your Dream Your Rules.”

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In today's episode, we will be contemplating the rules and our responses to them, drawing examples from both professional and spiritual realms. In her professional life, Margaret teaches project management, guiding individuals in planning and implementing various initiatives. In an introductory course, participants often question the necessity of following all the recommended best practices. Margaret explains that while they are not obligated to do so, it is important to be aware of these tools and practices, as you cannot utilize what you do not know exists. By ignoring these tools, you may miss out on valuable insights and potential positive outcomes. Moving on to more advanced discussions, Margaret emphasize the importance of understanding rules before choosing to disregard them. In certain professional settings, there are individuals who can go against organizational culture or policies without facing negative repercussions. These individuals possess a deep understanding of what they are doing and why, exhibiting wisdom in their actions. It is not about rebellious rule-breaking, but rather the discernment gained through experience and knowledge. Now, let us shift our focus to our spiritual practice. Reflecting on our previous episode, where we explored the Noble Eightfold Path, we realize that our Buddhist practice has its own set of rules. However, it is crucial to remember that these rules are not meant for cherry-picking. You may have come across the Kalama sutta, which some individuals use as an opportunity to dismiss Buddhist teachings. This sutta encourages us to question and validate our beliefs through personal experience and wisdom. It highlights the need to be mindful of our intentions and the potential harm that may arise from unskillful qualities. Traditions should not be followed blindly solely because they are traditions, and reports cannot be trusted solely based on the reliability of their sources. Our own preferences should not guide us unless they are thoroughly tested and proven beneficial. It is essential to practice appropriate attention and seek guidance from wise individuals, which we refer to as having admirable friends. In our own journeys of self-discovery, we can benefit from incorporating these ideas into our own practice and rules. Before making decisions, we should inquire about our intentions, consider the likely outcomes, and seek the counsel of those we trust and admire. By doing so, we can cultivate wisdom and make choices that align with our spiritual path.  

Contemplating the Wisdom of “Your Dream Your Rules.”

Contemplating the Wisdom of “Your Dream Your Rules.”
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