Tips Tuesday – Content Revamp, Digital Downloads, Image SEO, Clarity, Spectra

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Hello Happy Site Owners and Webmasters!

Tips this week include:

Content Revamp series starts this week in the DIY SEO courseGutenberg Ninja course is closing this summer – and how to get in before it doesHow to create your digital download workshop is today for BB Hub membersWordPress 6.0 release candidates are out, and where to get update instructionsFollow up on what happened after I removed my free optionDetails on what’s up with Astra’s new Spectra releaseGoogle drops crawl support for some image and video data and reaction from YoastWhy not to use Clarity with GA4A must-see company that turns text into real-looking avatar videosWhat I’m reading to help me meet my Q2 goals

Listen to the Podcast

BlogAid Happenings

We’re well into Q2 of 22 now. What’s on your mind as you consider the near and long-term future of your site and how to best monetize it?

I’ll share what I’m doing near the end in a new section for What I’m Reading that is helping me and will help you too.

BlogAid Course Happenings

DIY SEO Content Revamp Series Starts This Week

Most of y’all know that I was an electronics engineer for 30 years and that I did a lot of technical writing and training during that time.

Well, years ago, one of my former webmasters switched careers to become an SEO copywriter who specializes in working with engineers. She said she chose that niche because of me and that all of those engineers deliver content exactly the way I do.

They tell you the whole story, and then they give you the resolution as the very last sentence.

And that last sentence becomes her title or hook.

Then she literally writes the story in reverse, but leaves the step-by-step in order. She just puts it at the end.

This year, it dawned on me that I laid out the live workshops of the DIY SEO course the way an engineer would.

First we check your SEO foundation.

Then we break down all of the SEO opportunities you have on your site and in your content and how to make the most of them, plus what not to do.

And at the very end, I tell you how to make those changes.

In my mind, I figured you would want to know how to do all the things, and then actually do them all at once.

Doing it that way would keep you from updating the same stuff multiple times. But more importantly, it would help you not revise a whole bunch of stuff while making all manner of mistakes because you didn’t have the whole story.

But, it’s clear that this year needs to be different due to Google dinging folks for updating existing content. And folks who are in at least their 2nd year with the course have already applied the big changes and now want to get busy making all the new tweaks from this year’s updated info.

So, I’m going to take a chance and modify the order of the course.

This week, we’ll be starting our Content Revamp series of workshops. I usually have that at the end.

It’s a 3-part series where I help you: 

Identify what types of changes to makeEasily get a list of all your content and ways to prioritize it for changesActually make those changes in a way that makes Google happy instead of confused or upset with you

Guteneberg Ninja Course Closing to New Purchase and Renewals This Summer

Quick reminder that the Gutenberg Ninja course, as it is currently delivered, will no longer accept new purchases or renewals come late June.

The subscription is for 6 months, so everyone who did purchase or renew prior to that cutoff date will retain access through the end of their term.

I may bring a course back under that name later as a limited time workshop or such, and the focus will likely be on the bare bones basics, and then on how to build landing pages and/or tweak full page Block Patterns.

So, if you are planning to switch to Gutenberg and you want a full course on it, now is the time to get in, as you’ll also get updated info from the next 2 WordPress updates of 6.0 and 6.1,

Tips Tuesday – Content Revamp, Digital Downloads, Image SEO, Clarity, Spectra

Tips Tuesday – Content Revamp, Digital Downloads, Image SEO, Clarity, Spectra
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