The Unretouched Reality of the Modeling World

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Have you ever wondered what really goes on behind the glamorous façade of the modeling industry? I reveal the good, the bad, and the downright ugly in this candid episode. I take you back to the 2000s, a wild west era in modeling, before the Me Too movement or social media had any influence. It was a time when control came from adults who dictated my body, my diet, and even my hair. Listen as I recount the harsh reality of having my weight discussed in cold, objective terms, and the lasting impact this has had on my self-perception. I hope things have changed, but it's important to reflect on these experiences.The journey continues into the body image struggles that were all too common amongst models in the industry. Hear how the pressure to conform to a certain size dominated conversations, discouraged exercise, and even exempted me from PE classes. It was an era where drastic weight loss was celebrated, and I found myself on the cover of a magazine despite being over my agency's 'desired' size. Brace yourself as we delve into the challenges of navigating this world, from bracing for body shaming comments, to dealing with creepy individuals. This episode is not just a trip down memory lane, it's a call for a healthier, more inclusive industry, where success isn't measured by the number on the scale.

The Unretouched Reality of the Modeling World

The Unretouched Reality of the Modeling World
Release Date
