Weight Loss Frustration - Is It Leptin Resistance?

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#72 - Weight Loss Frustration - Is It Leptin Resistance?
You’ve tried everything - eating healthily, restricting calories, upping your exercise - but you still can’t lose weight, and it's so frustrating. So, what’s the deal? Most women who battle to lose weight are dealing with a systemic imbalance that prevents them from losing weight. It's called weight loss resistance, and it can be very discouraging. The good news is, there are things you can do to reset the imbalance. And some of it involves improving your body's response to the hormone leptin. Listen in today to finally get the answers you’ve been searching for.
The primary purpose of The Pretty Well Podcast being to educate. This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice nor to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. By listening to this content, you agree to consult your own physician or qualified health professional regarding specific health questions. Neither Lisa Smith, The Pretty Well Podcast, nor any guest takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons following the information in this educational content. All listeners of this content, especially those who are pregnant or taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement, or lifestyle program. The Pretty Well Podcast is for private non-commercial use and our guests do not necessarily reflect any agency, organization, or company that they work for. In addition, opinions of interview guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Lisa Smith and/or The Pretty Well Podcast. This content is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date.

Weight Loss Frustration - Is It Leptin Resistance?

Weight Loss Frustration - Is It Leptin Resistance?
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