#206: Do You Really Want to Do That?

Release Date:

At the end of the growing season, we are tired and sometimes, a little desperate. Making value-added products, particularly around the holidays, can seem like a great option. But in our efforts to create more cash flow, sometimes we end up spending even more time and money. It can rob us of time, morale, and the opportunities we need to attend to the unsung pieces of life and business: relationships, self-care, business planning, and building our knowledge base. Let's think about and evaluate what else we could or should be doing during this time.
We are so happy about our partnership with the Growing For Market Magazine! A tremendous resource. Use the coupon code: WORKSHOP to get 25% off any print or digital subscription.
Book: The Flower Farmer by Lynn Byczynski
Ellen Frost, Local Color Flowers: (Instagram) Local Color Flowers, (Instagram) Florists Buying Local, Ellen's Blog: Vicarious Florist
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The Field and Garden Podcast is produced by Lisa Mason Ziegler, award-winning author of Vegetables Love Flowers and Cool Flowers, owner of The Gardener’s Workshop, Flower Farming School Online, and the publisher of Farmer-Florist School Online and Florist School Online. Watch Lisa’s Story and connect with Lisa on social media!

#206: Do You Really Want to Do That?

#206: Do You Really Want to Do That?
Release Date
