The Depth of Determination: From a Real Estate Empire to Swimming the English Channel

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  In this riveting episode of our latest Doctors Building Wealth podcast, we're delving into a story that goes beyond physical endurance to explore mental resilience and strategic thinking. We're interviewing Erwan David Le Roy, a man who left behind the predictability of a corporate job to plunge into the real estate realm with the same tenacity he battled the icy waves when he later swam the English Channel. This episode goes beyond physical endurance to explore mental resilience and strategic thinking. Erwan's story is a testament to viewing challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation. How did he do it? Through meticulous preparation, unwavering perseverance, and the strategic cultivation of a network that would catapult him to success. This episode is a blueprint for turning your aspirations into achievements, demonstrating the transformative power of a positive mindset, and the courage to embrace change. Don't let this be the episode you miss; it might just be the catalyst for your next big leap. __________________________________________________________ Looking to learn more? Check out some of our most popular content: Join the waitlist for our flagship course, Zero to Freedom Take our quiz and see if real estate is right for you Learn from more great content on our blog Be part of the conversation - follow our general Semi-Retired MD Facebook page and then join our doctors or professionals group! Semi-Retired M.D. and its owners’, presenters’, and employees are not in the business of providing personal, financial, tax, legal or investment advice and specifically disclaims any liability, loss or risk, which is incurred as a consequence, either directly or indirectly, by the use of any of the information contained in this podcast. Semi-Retired M.D., this podcast, and any online tools, if any, do NOT provide ANY legal, accounting, securities, investment, tax or other professional services advice and are not intended to be a substitute for meeting with professional advisors. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of competent, licensed, and certified professionals should be sought. In addition, Semi-Retired M.D. does not endorse ANY specific investments, investment strategies, advisors, or financial service firms.

The Depth of Determination: From a Real Estate Empire to Swimming the English Channel

The Depth of Determination: From a Real Estate Empire to Swimming the English Channel
Release Date
