#336 | “The British Disease” | A Short History of Football Hooliganism in the UK

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 British football fans have a well-deserved bad reputation for hooliganism and violence. In this episode, we explore where this comes from, why British football stadiums have historically been violent places, and why things have started to change. A scene at a football riotThe British claim to have invented football12th-century versions of “football”When the king banned footballThe term “kick off”Early hooliganism with Preston North End supportersWhy do football fans fight each other?Glasgow: Rangers vs. CelticThe post-war growth of hooliganismOrganised hooliganism in the 1970sThe names of the most famous football hooligan groupsThe British Disease spreads to EuropeThe birth of the “football casual”Hooliganism & the National FrontThe Heysel & Hillsborough disastersCrackdown on football hooliganismFootball hooliganism today Full interactive transcript, subtitles and key vocabulary available on the website: https://www.leonardoenglish.com/podcasts/british-football-hooliganism
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#336 | “The British Disease” | A Short History of Football Hooliganism in the UK

#336 | “The British Disease” | A Short History of Football Hooliganism in the UK
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