November 2021 Astrological Forecast by Kerry Shamblin

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November 2021 Astrology Forecast Summaryby Kerry ShamblinRead the detailed forecast at November 2021 opens with Venus recently moving to Sagittarius through December 8, creating a sense of expansion of creativity and relationships after a period of instability that may have made or broken connections. Mercury covers ground in November moving through Libra from November 1 – 20 and then shifting to Scorpio from November 20 – December 9. The first few weeks of November with Mercury joining Mars could put us back on track for work projects. We may be eager to charge ahead, but Saturn's aspect on Libra could keep us plodding safely.The New Moon comes on November 4 when the Moon and Sun join in the sign of Libra, Swati nakshatra. With the shifts in early November, we may be wise to conserve energy and plan for a light schedule during the first week.The middle part of November provides the bulk of our planetary shifts, starting with the Sun moving to Scorpio November 16. This opens our eclipse season, as Sun joins Ketu for a month.The Moon becomes full, joining Rahu in Taurus for a partial lunar eclipse on November 19. We may take this moment to pause and turn inward, confirming that our desires are on track. The next day, November 20, sees both Jupiter and Mercury shifting signs. Mercury joins the grouping in Scorpio and Jupiter begins a rapid five month transit through the sign of Aquarius. This could be the shift we've been waiting for, putting us back on a course for growth and adventure.Let these eclipse vibrations and Jupiter's new dignity settle in during the last part of November. It's been a rough ride here on Earth!Read the detailed forecast at Kerry offers private sessions and mentoring. BOOK A SESSION.Find updates on Kerry's: Web Site, Facebook, Instagram, and Email List

November 2021 Astrological Forecast by Kerry Shamblin

November 2021 Astrological Forecast by Kerry Shamblin
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