Teaching Changed Me

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Teaching Changes You, There is No Denying it Teachers change careers (or move about in the system) all the time, but we NEVER talk about it. It feels like a giant secret that should be kept close so you don't let feelings of failure creep in, or allow the naysayers to get a hold of your mindset. But in the wise words of Ms. Frizzle “Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!” Education Changes Lives- Yours Included!  It doesn’t have to mean that you are ready or want to change careers- it simply means that you are not the same person who began your teaching career! And that’s beautiful… In today’s episode, I’ll break through the ways teaching changed me and all the ways YOU can start teaching up in your everyday life! In this episode, you will learn: Your circumstances don’t determine the life you’ll create Good always wins over evil Speaking kindly of others and to other will build a happy life  Broken homes don’t result in broken children  One year of good can change someone’s life forever  Loving life radiates life long learning  Fear starts and stops young  LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE ABOUT THE WAYS TEACHING CHANGES YOU:  Fear and Anxiety – An Age by Age Guide to Common Fears, The Reasons for Each and How to Manage Them Happiness Is an Inside Job by Sylvia Boorstein, Ph.D. Lifelong Learning is The Most Powerful Lifestyle Intervention For a Better Life Americans see stronger societal conflicts than people in other advanced economies CEO TEACHER® RESOURCES WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN GOLD:  Design and create an offer that teachers want more than a jeans day pass! Designing teacher products should not feel daunting, overwhelming, or even out of reach! You are in the classroom, you know what your people want! Now it's time to add your secret sauce to make it shine with your unique teacher magic!  The TEACHER PRODUCT DESIGN PROCESS is going to cut through the noise, lower your stress when it comes to creation, and gift you the 7 simple strategies you need to make your products A++! Grab it here: kaysemorris.com/design Let me hit you with some good news, you’re already doing half of the work and well on your way to becoming a CEO Teacher®. It’s time you start leveraging your teaching ideas and begin making money to make your classroom work seem less like a chore and more like the fun you always dreamed about. The 10 Steps To Get Started Selling Your Teaching Resources workbook is important when setting a clear focus for your business goals. Goals are imperative so grab your workbook and get yours on autopilot.  Check out my CEO Teacher® Book Recommendations here! JOIN OUR CEO TEACHER® PODCAST COMMUNITY TO GROW WITH LIKE-MINDED TEACHERS: Send me a DM on Instagram– I love chatting with my people, so let's chat about the ways teaching changes you, or the education system changes. Come visit us each Thursday Night for the coolest teachers' lounge on the planet: Teacher TV is back and better than ever! ENJOYING THE PODCAST? THANKS FOR TUNING IN! Tag me @theceoteacher on Instagram and tell me what you are listening to! I love seeing what resonates most with our listeners!  I don’t want you to miss a thing! Be the first to know when a new episode is available by subscribing on iTunes here! If you would like to support The CEO Teacher® podcast, it would mean so much to me if you would leave a review on iTunes. By leaving a review, you are helping fellow CEO teachers find this podcast and start building a life they love.  To leave a review on iTunes, click HERE and scroll down to Ratings and Reviews. Click “Write a Review” and share with me how this podcast is changing your business and your life! MORE OF A HANDS ON OR VISUAL LEARNER? NEED TO “SEE” YOUR CONTENT IN ACTION? CHECK OUT THE LATEST CEO TEACHER® BLOG POSTS AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS HERE! Teacher Side Hustle Jobs You Might Not Have Considered What Does Teaching A Dream Job Look Like I Don’t Want To Be A Teacher Anymore I Quit Teaching- 15 Things That Happened

Teaching Changed Me

Teaching Changed Me
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