236: STOP being the ”Good Girl” & How it’s HURTING you.

Release Date:

Fill in the blank: She is so Good at....
What have you've been told and what you've been trying to Live up to? This image has been molded around the person that people perceive you as. Because you are probably GOOD at those things. But in a society where it's Looked down on or people are Shamed for Sharing their struggles, now You feel like you can't SHARE it. It's going to RUIN that Fake Image. You're Feel like you're Going to LET your Loved ones Down. Disappoint them. So, Now YOU need to be the Good Girl.
But You don't even recognize that person.
It's Hurting you because you become isolated.
You close doors, you don't ask for help. YOU CAN FIGURE THIS OUT on your Own.
Let's get rid of the Good Girl....
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com

236: STOP being the ”Good Girl” & How it’s HURTING you.

236: STOP being the ”Good Girl” & How it’s HURTING you.
Release Date
