#15 - Improve your Game IQ and Field Awareness with Film (Tim Barzcak from Ultibreakdowns)

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Episode: Improve your Game IQ and Field Awareness with Film (Tim Barzcak from Ultibreakdowns)

In this episode with Tim, the mastermind behind the Instagram and YouTube channel  @UltiBreakdowns  listeners are immersed into the world of ultimate frisbee analysis. Drawing from his extensive background in the sport, Tim offers a wealth of knowledge on dissecting game footage. Learn more about how to use film to enhance your Game IQ, field awareness, and much more in this episode.

Resources Mentioned

Ultibreakdowns Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ulti_breakdowns?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==

Breakmark Ultimate: https://breakmark.com/

For 1-on-1 coaching and training programs, check out the official TOBU Fitness website: www.tobufitness.com

Follow TOBU Fitness on Instagram and Youtube: @tobufitness

🎥 and Editng Credit: Siún Ní Mhuimhneacháin (siunnimh@gmail.com)

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#15 - Improve your Game IQ and Field Awareness with Film (Tim Barzcak from Ultibreakdowns)

#15 - Improve your Game IQ and Field Awareness with Film (Tim Barzcak from Ultibreakdowns)
Release Date
