How to Love Your Voice

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What would it be like if you could love your voice exactly as it is right now? Think about your voice as a friend that offers support, expresses your deepest feelings, tell jokes and stands up for others.  If you’ve ever  lost your voice for any time at all, you quickly realize how valuable it really is. Then there are the opinions like “My voice isn’t manly enough’, “it’s too loud, too soft, too high”.  Who says? Early conditioning and cultural norms have a huge impact on how we use our voices, so digging into some of those stories is super useful. You get to decide if you agree with it or not, but first you have to know how that opinion got there.  Technical stuff like range, flexibility, etc can all be trained. You just have to decide how much you really want it. Tiny incremental changes to your behavior are WAY more likely to stick and become a habit. So try warming up for just 3-5 minutes a day, that’s it! What not to do. Let go of trying to sound like someone else, it’s not going to happen, I mean that’s aside from trying to match someone’s styling to learn jazz etc.  • Love your voice, it is so uniquely yours.  • Love your voice today, 1% more than you did yesterday. • Play with sounds. Get creative.  And if you don’t know where to start grab my free 5 minute warm up and get going!  

How to Love Your Voice

How to Love Your Voice
Release Date
