Episode 166: Radames Pera (Lisa Pera / Leeza Vinnichenko) (Part Two)

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Today on part two of our interview with Radames Pera, we continue our conversation with the former actor known best as Grasshopper from the TV-series Kung-Fu. Believe us when we say, we wish we had another hour or two with Radames to get to all the stories that make up his own story, that of his mother’s story and that of his absentee father whose invention became a worldwide success that he unfortunately didn’t patent it. On this episode, we discuss the Coogan law, a law that if you don’t know about you will get a crash course in this episode. Radames, like all child actors was protected under this law that was enacted in 1939 but was never totally enforced. We also learn through a YouTube video Radames posted about his mother actress Lisa Para whose addiction disorder became so acute, it had to be documented. Why? We discuss that on the episode and really we don’t even scratch the surface due to time constraints. All we can tell you is, Radames has a healthy and wonderfully openness to plainly discuss some of the most personal stories from his life. And for that, we thank him. Take a listen to part two of our interview with Radames Pera on the Rarified Heir Podcast. Everyone has a story.

Episode 166: Radames Pera (Lisa Pera / Leeza Vinnichenko) (Part Two)

Episode 166: Radames Pera (Lisa Pera / Leeza Vinnichenko) (Part Two)
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