Jesse Taylor – Working With a Team, Passion Projects, and Dylan – Ep11

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Jesse is an Associate Creative Director at Marketing for Change, a research and creative agency propelled by behavioral science. He's also the tallest designer I know, plays in a volleyball league on Wednesday evenings, and will tell you the best chicken tender in Colorado Springs is from Ivywild Kitchen. When Jesse isn't winning ADDY or Telly awards, he's pushing passion projects—like T is for Tattoo—to new heights. Ha, new heights, lol. Tune in for a talk about working with a team, graphic design tattoos, and including passion projects in your portfolio. You can find some of Jesse's funny internet videos on Instagram, see more of his work on his website, and learn more about where he works at Marketing for Change.Questions for this interview.How does the team you work with—or the people you collaborate with—help you handle feeling like an imposter?Have you learned anything working with a team you don't think you would have learned working alone?Do you enjoy presenting your ideas or designs to clients? Do you ever find the process intimidating?What percentage of time do you spend planning and thinking vs. actually making?Can you tell us how your remote working days look and how often they happen?Are the people you meet with also designers, or do they have different roles?Do you have any tattoos directly related to graphic design?How do you decide or choose the subject matter for your tattoos?Can you explain the concept behind your "T is for Tattoo" project?Where did the kids in the video for T is Tattoo come from?Were you surprised no one backed the "Your Name Forever" reward tier?Do you regret getting any of your tattoos? Do you have any cover-ups?How would you respond to students asking if they should include a passion project in their portfolio?You became a design educator in 2023. What was that experience like?Were there any takeaways from your first semester of teaching?Do you have any words of encouragement for designers looking for more impact or meaning in their work?Can you tell us about the book you made in memory of your dog, Dylan?
---If you LIKE what you hear, please subscribe and keep listening. Sharing this episode with someone is the best way to support the podcast. If you LOVE what you hear and want to help me keep the interviews coming—consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi.Also, I'm always looking for questions from listeners. If there's a burning question you want to hear answered on the podcast, please email it to me at @studentsofdesignpod on Instagram for updates, episode drops, and behind-the-scenes content.The music you hear on the podcast is Accident by Timothy Infinite and PUSH !T by Nbhd

Jesse Taylor – Working With a Team, Passion Projects, and Dylan – Ep11

Russell Toynes - Personal Identities, False Confidence, and “Pulling Taffy" - Ep3
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