070. Anti-Diet Does Not Mean Anti-Health

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I’ll take any opportunity to call out diet culture BS when I see it. The recent Washington Post article “As obesity rises, Big Food and dietitians push ‘anti-diet’ advice” has quite frankly p*ssed me off, and I want to talk about it with you! There is a large systemic issue at hand when it comes to Intuitive Eating, Health At Every Size (HAES), and weight-inclusive non-diet work. Biased publications, like the Washington Post, are spreading ignorant and misinformed information about what “anti-diet” really means. 

This makes me the most frustrated because I can only imagine how confusing it must be to see headlines like this when you are someone who is trying to pursue your relationship with food & body healing journey. So in this episode, I want to set the record straight. Let’s dive into some big myth busting about anti-diet work! 

I chat with you about:

The recent Washington Post article on “anti-diet dietitians” 
What people often get wrong when they think about anti-diet or intuitive eating
How anti-diet does NOT mean eating twinkies in unlimited amounts
Anti-diet DOES mean improving your well-being – physical, mental, emotional, overall! 
What Health at Every Size, Intuitive Eating, weight-inclusive care, anti weight bias, etc. are really about 
How oppressive, inequitable, and harmful weight-centric ways of approaching health can be
Restrictive diets often leading to weight cycling and/or disordered eating, or even eating disorders 
How a surface-level look at intuitive eating is not helpful, it’s very nuanced 
To not rely on social media solely for support in your health & well-being 
And so so much more.  

💻 Nutrition by Carrie article that takes a deep dive into this Washington Post article
🔬 Check out hundreds of studies on Intuitive Eating
🍪 Apply for Embodied Food Freedom – we start on April 17th, 2024!
💗 Learn more about the Embodied Food Freedom small group coaching program
📱 Connect with Jenn on Instagram (@the.intuitive.nutritionist)
🎧 Podcast Show Notes

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070. Anti-Diet Does Not Mean Anti-Health

070. Anti-Diet Does Not Mean Anti-Health
Release Date
