Raising Resilient Kids with Dr. Elisa Song

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Keeping your kids healthy is every parent’s priority. When they get sick, our first instinct is to rely on traditional medicine but understanding holistic approaches to pediatric care can make all the difference.
Dr. Elisa Song, Pediatrician and Founder of Healthy Kids Happy Kids, believes that a robust immune system is the foundation of a child's well-being. She explains that a child’s immunity is being built from inside the womb and a fortified immune system acts as the body's guardian, warding off common illnesses and fostering overall health. She emphasizes the role of proper nutrition in nurturing a child's health and advocates for nutrient-dense diets filled with vibrant fruits and vegetables. While nutrition is important, Dr. Song’s approach isn’t limited to just prevention. She also tackles how to support children during illnesses using homeopathic remedies like Oscillococcinum and herbal syrups as a natural alternative to conventional medicines.
In this episode, Dr. Song talks to Jen about bolstering children’s immunity naturally, preventing common childhood illnesses, and providing natural support during illnesses. 

Key Takeaways

[01:56] - How an integrative pediatrician differs from traditional pediatricians.

[04:05] - Why parents bring their children to Dr. Song’s practice.

[05:56] - How a mother's diet impacts a child in the womb's well-being.

[10:58] - Tips on how to prevent your child from getting a cold.

[16:43] - Dr. Song talks about how important Vitamin D is for children.

[20:56] - What to do when your child has a cold.

[30:20] - How to prevent and treat ear infections and eczema in children.

[36:20] - Free resources for listeners.

[02:59] - “As we know, there are many, many unintended consequences that we are now realizing about our conventional interventions.” ~ Dr. Elisa Song 
[07:12] - “If we have a vision in mind of how we would love our children to eat when they’re older, we’ll start while you’re pregnant.” ~ Dr. Elisa Song 
[32:09] - “When we take antibiotics, we really need to make sure we’re restoring the gut microbiome after antibiotics.” ~ Dr. Elisa Song 


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Healthy Kids Happy Kids

Whole Family Wellness

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Why All Kids Need Vitamin D

Nordic Naturals

Carlson Labs



Whole Foods Market

Integrative Therapeutics

Herb Pharm

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Raising Resilient Kids with Dr. Elisa Song

Raising Resilient Kids with Dr. Elisa Song
Release Date
