Physical and Emotional Healing with Steven Wright

Release Date:

When we are struck with illness, we are willing to go to extremes to bring a semblance of normalcy back to our lives. The conventional medical system is ridden with hidden costs, and a person could easily spend thousands of dollars trying to find solutions with minimal results. 
That’s what happened to Steven Wright, Co-Founder and CEO of The Healthy Gut Company. He spent years looking for the answers to his digestive and chronic health issues to no avail. His frustrations eventually led him to start his own business. Steven discusses how the specific carbohydrate diet (SCD) bettered his body, how supplements can help with deficiencies you might not even be aware of, and why the emotional component of healing is as important as the physical one.
Steven talks to Jen about his personal path to healing, the value of magnesium, and his advice for anyone struggling with health complications.

Key Takeaways

[01:41] - Introduction to Steven Wright.

[04:48] - A summary of Steven’s health issues.

[07:17] - The beginning of Steven’s healing. 

[10:54] - Why restricting your diet too much can be harmful.

[12:50] - Why do our bodies need magnesium?

[15:57] - Different types of magnesium.

[20:08] - Magnesium in food.

[21:02] - How to get started with magnesium.

[23:24] - Steven’s Wake Up moment.

[29:36] - Steven’s thoughts on the supplement industry. 

[08:18] - “Changing your diet is as much an emotional process as a social process.” ~ Steven Wright
[10:54] - “It’s never just going to be one thing. There’s not one miracle, drug, supplement. There’s not one miracle food or exercise. It’s the combination of how we live our lives that will get you a really broad, diverse diet.” ~ Steven Wright
[25:13] “It’s not just the supplements and diets and testing. That’s a really important part of most people’s healing journeys, and I don’t know that you can get there without it, but also doing the emotional trauma work is also going to get you where you want to go.” ~ Steven Wright


Steven Wright on LinkedIn

Healthy Gut Company

SCD Lifestyle Book

HCL Guard



Magnesium HP

Tributyrin X

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and the Body in the Healing of Trauma

Centrum Use and Progression of Age-Related Cataract in the Age-Related Eye Disease Study

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Physical and Emotional Healing with Steven Wright

Physical and Emotional Healing with Steven Wright
Release Date
