Why Do Women Endure Painful Sex? - with Natalie | Ep. 91

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Why are women conditioned to endure pain? Natalie reveals the multitude of reasons she persisted through painful sexual experiences with her husband for 27 years of their marriage. It wasn’t until she discovered Wanting It More that she realized the detrimental extent of what she was subjecting her body and mind to in order to fulfill societal expectations of being a good wife and meeting her husband's needs.Due to inadequate sexual education and a lack of support, she remained unaware that experiencing pain wasn’t normal until recently. Janna and Natalie delve into the various factors contributing to why women tolerate pain, why they hesitate to seek assistance, and the toll it takes on their relationships. Natalie also shares what she’s learned about genuine intimacy and connection, highlighting significant improvements in her relationship with her husband.Do you feel alone in your struggle to want and enjoy sex but have no idea where to start?If so- I invite you to join my free class happening on Tuesday, Sept 17 at 5:00-6:30 PACIFIC TIME: Wanting It More 101: Increase Interest and Enjoyment without Pressure or Guilt​If you're a man and would like to get information specifically aimed at you, I’m running a brand new free class for men, called Getting It More 101: Increase Her Interest and Enjoyment without Adding Pressure on Thursday, Sept. 19 at 1:00 - 2:30 pm PACIFIC TIME. Register here.​Registration for the next round of Doing It Together is now open! The 8-week program runs Oct. 2 - Nov. 30, 2024. Learn about Doing It Together program details, schedules, testimonials, and Q&A. ​Visit now.Leave a podcast review: We'd so appreciate your ​rating and review​ to help the podcast reach more couples.

Why Do Women Endure Painful Sex? - with Natalie | Ep. 91

Why Do Women Endure Painful Sex? - with Natalie | Ep. 91
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