Is It Too Late To Fix My Sex Life at 50?- with Elle | Ep. 72

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Elle believed she was grappling with low libido as she reached the age of 50, having been married for 25 years with three children in college. Intimacy in her relationship had become a burdensome task, postponed for weeks at a time until guilt finally compelled her to engage. She considered this ebb in desire as a typical aspect of this stage in life.

It wasn't until Janna helped Elle compassionately delve into her personal history that the true roots of her low sex drive emerged. Unearthing childhood sexual abuse, the lingering effects of birth trauma, the relentless exhaustion and overwhelm from parenthood, and 22 years of untreated pelvic pain, Elle began to see the multifaceted layers of her struggle.

In our culture, women are often conditioned to endure pain, making it challenging to recognize when something is truly amiss. Elle shares her journey of self-discovery, articulating why she refrained from labeling her distress as pain for so many years. Now, with newfound awareness, she is bravely navigating a redefined understanding of intimacy with her husband, infused with compassion and hope for a more fulfilling connection.

Do you feel alone in your struggle to want and enjoy sex but have no idea where to start?If so- I invite you to join my free class happening on Tuesday, Sept 17 at 5:00-6:30 PACIFIC TIME: Wanting It More 101: Increase Interest and Enjoyment without Pressure or Guilt​If you're a man and would like to get information specifically aimed at you, I’m running a brand new free class for men, called Getting It More 101: Increase Her Interest and Enjoyment without Adding Pressure on Thursday, Sept. 19 at 1:00 - 2:30 pm PACIFIC TIME. Register here.​Registration for the next round of Doing It Together is now open! The 8-week program runs Oct. 2 - Nov. 30, 2024. Learn about Doing It Together program details, schedules, testimonials, and Q&A. ​Visit now.Leave a podcast review: We'd so appreciate your ​rating and review​ to help the podcast reach more couples.

Is It Too Late To Fix My Sex Life at 50?- with Elle | Ep. 72

Is It Too Late To Fix My Sex Life at 50?- with Elle | Ep. 72
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