How YOUR Soul Travels: Escaping the Reality that Isn’t Real!

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Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP423

The Tibetan Book of the Dead, also known as the "Bardo Thodol," is a classic Tibetan Buddhist text that offers guidance on the journey of the soul through the intermediate state (bardo) between death and rebirth. Here are seven lessons drawn from its teachings:

1. Impermanence of Life: The text emphasizes the transient nature of life and the inevitability of death. It teaches that recognizing and accepting impermanence can help one live more mindfully and prepare for the afterlife.

2. The Nature of the Mind: Understanding the mind's true nature is crucial. The text describes the clear light of the mind and the importance of recognizing it during the dying process to achieve liberation.

3. Bardo Experiences: The book outlines different bardos (intermediate states) one encounters after death, including the Chikhai Bardo (moment of death), Chönyid Bardo (experiencing reality), and Sidpa Bardo (seeking rebirth). Each state offers opportunities for spiritual progress or obstacles depending on one's awareness.

4. Karma and Rebirth: The concept of karma, or the law of cause and effect, plays a central role. The text explains how one's actions in life influence the experiences in the bardos and the nature of the next rebirth.

5. Visualization and Meditation Practices: The book recommends specific visualization and meditation practices to help the deceased navigate the bardos, recognize illusions, and attain liberation. These practices are also beneficial for the living to prepare for death.

6. Guidance from Deities and Protectors: The text describes encounters with peaceful and wrathful deities, which are manifestations of the mind's own projections. Recognizing these deities as aspects of one's mind can help the soul overcome fear and confusion in the bardos.

7. Compassion and Bodhicitta: Cultivating compassion and the altruistic intention of bodhicitta (the wish to attain enlightenment for the benefit of all beings) is essential. This mindset helps the soul navigate the bardos with a sense of purpose and connection to all beings, promoting a favorable rebirth or liberation.

These lessons offer profound insights into the nature of existence, the process of dying, and the journey beyond death, encouraging spiritual practice and mindfulness throughout one's life.

This video represents my personal opinion but what do you think? Leave me a comment… 


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How YOUR Soul Travels: Escaping the Reality that Isn’t Real!

How YOUR Soul Travels: Escaping the Reality that Isn’t Real!
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