Optimistic Conservation with Craig Bruce

Release Date:

Welcome back everyone for another great episode of Wild Connection the Podcast. One of the many reasons I love doing this podcast is getting to highlight some of the people I have known or worked with in the area of conservation. I have been so fortunate to connect with some incredible people over the years and my guest this week, international wildlife conservation expert Craig Bruce, is one of them. As you will hear Craig has dedicated his life to conservation, sustainable utilization, and community engagement. Although the latter two are rather trendy right now, he has been practicing both for a long time. In many ways Craig has lived the life I dreamt of years ago when I read Cry of the Kalahari by Mark and Delia Owens, two biologists that struck out on their own path to study hyenas and lions in the Kalahari desert. I never imagined I would end up in academia, or the Academy. Instead I was sure that I was going to be more like Craig, doing realon the ground conservation in communities for species around the world. His impact, like his personality, has been large and I am grateful that he is my friend and that I was able to have him on the show.
In this episode we invite you to think about how we can and should come together, work together, have respect for one another, understand each other, help each other while being committed to protecting all the species that we share the planet with so that they and we can continue to be, well, alive. 
If you want to keep up with Craig and the critical work Jamma International is doing, here are a few links:
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Next Sunday is Independence Day in the US and I am going to talk about wildlife independence. What are the rights of other species for autonomy and freedom in a world dominated by humans? What are some of the most recent legal decisions that are beginning to redefine our relationship and how much further should be go? All that and more next week. 
Thanks for supporting the show and keep an eye out for how you can sponsor an episode.  
If you like the show theme music that's thanks to George Nardo of Luna Recording Studios in Tucson AZ. https://lunarecording.com

Optimistic Conservation with Craig Bruce

Optimistic Conservation with Craig Bruce
Release Date
