Green Room Review

Release Date:

We watched Green Room and were shocked at how green this room really was.


Green Room is about a struggling punk rock band who lands a gig at a white supremacist bar. Since no one in the band is a person of color, they decide that this is fine. When they inadvertently stumble into a crime scene, they get trapped in the green room.

Mirror universe Captain Picard and his band of skinheads  plot to kill them and stage a crime scene to cover up the crimes.

Review of Green Room

Green Room is worth seeing, but I think it gets a little overhyped as a “hidden gem”. I think the novelty of seeing Patrick Stewart as the bad guy gave this movie some legs, but it’s essentially a run of the mill thriller. There are some moments of gore in the latter half of the film as the band tries to escape, but a lot of people probably would have issue with classifying this as a horror movie. I don’t care about these people

Personally I think this film suffers because the main characters seem like a bunch of insufferable assholes, so I don’t really care what happens to them. Really all the character development we’re given is that they are hardcore punk (whatever that means) and their desert island bands, I guess.

The situation is compelling though and it  generally kept me engaged for the duration



Green Room Review

Green Room Review
Release Date
