Episode 167: Ep #167: You are a Creator

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You are a creator.

Do you believe me when I say that? Or do thing creativity and creation belongs only to those who sing, dance, perform or create art.

What if I told you that every one of you is a creator. And that it may manifest differently based on your dosha, but you are able to contribute a unique offering to the world based on your unique prakruti and personality.

In this episode we talk about what creation is and is not. How your dosha may impact the final creation product. And how to get over your fears to create something better in the world that only you can contribute.

Herb focus of the week: Cinnamon

References: Ayurvedic Medicine by Sebastian Pole


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Episode 167: Ep #167: You are a Creator

Episode 167: Ep #167: You are a Creator
Release Date
