Season 1 - Episode 18 // Fox Violet - At the Heart Of It

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At the heart of Fox Violet's art, there's truth, honesty, and sincerity. Thea aka Fox Violet won't compromise and that's why her music is so important. It's a living testimony that an artist does not need to bow to the market or trends to be relevant. Fox Violet shows us the only way to be relevant is not to be streamed a million times but to propose something that is unique, singular, something that comes directly from someone's guts. And Thea's music resembles her character by being unapologetic yet soothing. Her music is gritty yet it wraps you in layers of dreamy guitars. And Thea might sound very nice yet you know when you talk to her that she won't oblige to anyone but her own artistic vision. And that is refreshing!
Together, we're starting a conversation about saving Rock N' Roll in the City of Angels. Casually talking from the Sunset Strip, we are launching a movement with our collective called Team Nowhere and we are calling artists & fans to unite. If you are in a band, or if you're a photographer, a developer, a hairstylist, whatever your craft... In other words, if you really want to help to put Rock music back on the map for the ten upcoming years... well let's build a community together, and let's plan concrete actions to make a positive shift in our industry. Rock isn't dead, the Sunset strip isn't dead. But only if we want it! #Teamnowhere #Hangingonsunset @team_nowhere @hangingonsunset @nowhere_team_us


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Season 1 - Episode 18 // Fox Violet - At the Heart Of It

Season 1 - Episode 18 // Fox Violet - At the Heart Of It
Release Date
