Season 1 - Episode 13 // Pete Molinari & Mila Spigolon - It must be so cool to be you

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I read somewhere that Bruce Springsteen and Jack White are fans of Pete Molinari. I’m not surprised he would seduce such seasoned songwriters because Pete is accomplishing kind of a magic trick with his music. With his songs and words, he transports his listeners to another era where songwriters were also poets and where a good song would stick in your head for days. That’s what « I don’t like the man I am » did to me. I’m still humming it at the moment. One of our common friends, the very talented photographer Victoria Smith first heard him on Spotify. I guess her algorithm found it appropriate to play Pete Molinari between the Beatles and Bob Dylan. As a result, she thought he was a dead legend until one day, she stumbled upon his Instagram and discovered that he was alive but also living in the same city, Los Angeles. She messaged him and they became friends and then I became friends with Victoria through Burak, my guitar player, and, long story short, we all met and got along. As soon as I met Pete, I wanted to have him on the show. He explained to me his new adventure involving Mila Spigolon, his girlfriend but, most of all, an amazing burlesque Brazilian dancer. If he looks straight out of the ’60s, she must have taken a time machine a little further because she’s channeling some Parisian roaring twenties vibes.
They have teamed up during the pandemic and prepared a Livestreamed Variety show which will be released on March 24th. I encouraged you all to check it, it's called the Limelight Show. But I’m sure that when you will have listened to this hour and a half of music history, fun and when you will have heard the two beautiful live songs that they offered us, you will be buying your tickets. I have mine already! Vincent
Together, we're starting a conversation about saving Rock N' Roll in the City of Angels. Casually talking from the Sunset Strip, we are launching a movement with our collective called Team Nowhere and we are calling artists & fans to unite. If you are in a band, or if you're a photographer, a developer, a hairstylist, whatever your craft... In other words, if you really want to help to put Rock music back on the map for the ten upcoming years... well let's build a community together, and let's plan concrete actions to make a positive shift in our industry. Rock isn't dead, the Sunset strip isn't dead. But only if we want it! #Teamnowhere #Hangingonsunset @team_nowhere @hangingonsunset


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Season 1 - Episode 13 // Pete Molinari & Mila Spigolon - It must be so cool to be you

Season 1 - Episode 13 // Pete Molinari & Mila Spigolon - It must be so cool to be you
Release Date
