Google I/O takeaways: AI is changing the way we read, write, and work

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We're back this week on the GeekWire Podcast as humans, not bots, we promise, but we've still got a lot of AI to talk about.
On this week's episode, Todd shares highlights from his visit to Google I/O, including two of the generative AI tools that demonstrated the potential of technology to change the way we process and convey information. 
Todd and John wrestle with the implications of these AI tools for human creativity, consider the long-term impact on society, balance these concerns against their natural sense of awe and wonder about innovation, and discuss ways that new tech realities are shielding companies from scrutiny.
Stories and topics referenced on this week's show.

We had our AI voice clones read an AI-generated GeekWire Podcast script — listen to the result
Microsoft’s optimistic view of AI sees technology ending the drudgery of ‘digital debt’
In search of AI’s killer app … and other notes from Google I/O
Project Tailwind (Google)
Google Workspace Duet AI (Google)
Google teases Project Tailwind — a prototype AI notebook that learns from your documents (The Verge)
Dan Deacon's pre-show Google I/O performance. (YouTube)
How Gmail's New AI Feature Will Write Your Emails for You  (CNet)
As storm clouds clear for travel, Expedia Group looks to become a bigger tech provider to industry
Trump's Town Hall, Santos Charged, and STFU with Dan Lyons (Pivot)

With GeekWire co-founders John Cook and Todd Bishop.See for privacy information.

Google I/O takeaways: AI is changing the way we read, write, and work

Google I/O takeaways: AI is changing the way we read, write, and work
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