Quem Terra Pontus Aethera and O Gloriosa Domina | St. Anthony of Padua's Favorite Hymn!

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Link to Music - Quem TerraLink to Music - O Gloriosa DominaThe God whom earth, and sea, and skyadore, and laud, and magnify,who o'er their threefold fabric reigns,the Virgin's spotless womb contains.The God whose will by moon, and sun,and all things in due course is done,is borne upon a Maiden's breast,by fullest heavenly grace possessed.How blest that Mother, in whose shrinethe great Artificer Divine,whose hand contains the earth and sky,vouchsafed, as in His ark, to lie.Blest, in the message Gabriel brought;blest, by the work the Spirit wrought;from whom the great Desire of earthtook human flesh and human birth.All honour, laud, and glory be,O Jesu, Virgin-born, to Thee,whom with the Father we adore,and Holy Ghost for evermore.Amen.O Heaven's glorious mistress,elevated above the stars,thou feedest with thy sacred breasthim who created thee.What miserable Eve lostthy dear offspring to man restores,the way to glory is open to the wretchedfor thou has become the Gate of Heaven.Thou art the door of the High King,the gate of shining light.Life is given through a Virgin:Rejoice, ye redeemed nations.Glory be to Thee, O Lord,Born of a Virgin,with the Father and the Holy Spirit,world without end. Amen.

Quem Terra Pontus Aethera and O Gloriosa Domina | St. Anthony of Padua's Favorite Hymn!

Aurora Lucis Rutilat | Light's Glittering Morn Bedecks the Sky
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