Episode 35 - Sockdale

Release Date:

Hello there and welcome to The Crochet Circle Podcast and the show notes for Episode 35 – Sockdale
In this episode, I cover: Old dog new tricks; Sock CAL; Final Destination; En Route; Feeding the habit; Quick News Beats; Big Up and J’adore?
This podcast is sponsored by my online crafting company, Provenance Craft Co. 

Thanks to everyone who tunes into the podcast whether it is through Stitcher, Podbean, Spotify, iTunes or the YouTube Channel. Your support and engagement are really appreciated and makes running a podcast very special and worthwhile.   
If you would like to support the podcast, you can do that through Patreon:

1 – Old dog new tricks
I was in our Ravelry pages the other day and came across a link that was helpfully posted to try to help people understand what kind of crocheter they are.  You may be a yanker, rider or a lifter.  Your style affects whether or not you are going to hit row tension/gauge and by crocheting in the Rider style, you should be able to hit gauge with most patterns (unless the designer is a Yanker or Lifter).  This can help you to get the right number fo pattern rows/rounds and in the case of a Yanker, stop you from having to use more yarn to get the right length of the project.
I thought I would raise this because a Crochet Clan member said that they managed to get gauge on their stitches, but not rows and their way around that was to add more rows.  This has happened to me in the past too. 
Yankers – tend to pull the golden loop (first loop pulled up from yarn round hook) and create shorter stitches because they are yanking down on the loops as they work through each stitch.  With this technique, you are likely to create shorter projects unless you do extra rows/rounds,
Riders – this is really where you want to be because your hook is being worked parallel with your row/round and the height is where it ideally should be.  When you pull through a loop from your first yarn round hook, your hook should almost be pointing diagonally down so that you are not extending the loop and you can continue to build the right height as you do the remaining parts of that stitch.
Lifters -  A lifter is the opposite of a Yanker because they extend the golden loop every time, creating a taller stitch.  With this technique, you are likely to create taller projects overall.
If you want to know more about this, I thoroughly recommend looking up Deje Jetmir’s YouTube video.  She takes you through what a difference it makes and how to overcome being a Yanker or Lifter.
2 - #SockAlong 2018 CAL
This CAL is well and truly underway and I am mightily impressed with how many socks are being crocheted and the progress so far!
It runs from Saturday 29th September – 31st October 2018.
There is a series of blog posts taking you through the intricacies of crocheting socks.
You can join in with crocheted or knitted socks.
The chatter thread is on Claudia’s (Crochet Luna’s Ravelry page), the FO thread will be hosted by Kathryn from the Crafternoon Treats podcast Ravelry Group and I am heading up the Instagram #SockCAL2018 #SockAlong2018.
Sock patterns are available from various designers.
There will be prizes for winning entries into the Ravelry FO thread and those using #SockAlong2018FO and I showcase some of them on the podcast.
The FO thread is already open in Kathryn's Crafternoon Treats Ravelry Group and there are entries already!

Here are the links to all of the blog hop folk:
#1 Sat 15th Sep - Sock Making Tips - me (http://www.craftyescapism.com/)
#2 Sat 22nd Sep - Yarn Choice - Fay (https://www.knitit-hookit-craftit.com/)
#3 Sat 29th Sep - Knit vs Crochet Socks - Caroline (https://www.mindandmusecrafts.com/)
#4 Sun 30th Sep -  Sock Anatomy - Deanne (http://www.addydae.com/)
#5 Sat 6 Oct - Toe up vs Cuff down Socks - Jo (http://jojotwinkletoes.blogspot.com/)
#6 Sat 13th Oct - Colour & colour patterns - Marta (http://mrsdaftspaniel.blogspot.com/)
#7 Sat 20th Oct - Customising socks - Kathryn (http://crafternoontreats.com/)
#8 Sat 27th Oct - Crochet Sock Heels are not Scary - Karen (https://www.karenwhooley.com/)
These designers have offered a discount or free pattern:
Karen Whooley - 20% off all her sock patterns and books through Ravelry.  Just use code socktober2018 at the checkout.  https://www.ravelry.com/designers/karen-whooley
Deanne from Addydae Designs - 20% off Baseline Socks using code SOCKCAL2018 at the Ravelry checkout.  https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/baseline-socks 
Vicki Brown - free Magdalen Sock Pattern on Ravelry https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/magdalen-socks 
Kathryn from Crafternoon Treats Podcast - free SuperSonic Socks on Ravelry https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/supersonic-socks 
Caroline from Mind and Muse podcast - free Miniature Hooked Socks and My Sweet Socks on Ravelry  https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/sources/mind-and-muse-crafts/patterns 
Here are some of the prizes that have been coming in for the CAL:

1 - Shawl pin by Vesna and her Etsy shop UstvarjalniNavdih
2 - Yarn by Bec at Black Horse Yarn with a Votes for Women badge I found at Yarndale
3 - Yarn via The Wool Stop in Bristol but dyed by Deb at Crafty Cat Knitty Bits
4 - Stitch markers by Lisa 
5 - Stitch markers by Kathryn at Crafternoon Treats
3 – Final Destination
I have a couple of finished things to share with you this month.  I managed to do my project with the Blacker Tor, the birthday yarn I was sent by Blacker and it’s everything Jo said it was in the yarn review was spot on.  It’s bouncy, crochets brilliantly and is beautiful to work with.  I made myself a little bag for all of my essential crochet designers kit.  It’s just big enough to carry my design kit of stopwatch, calculator, notepad, scales and pen and fit inside a project bag.

I am pleased to have finished the crocheted version of Arete.  I had to steek this project and it seems that steeking crochet IS NOT A THING.  It is now.  It works.  My stitches haven’t come undone and the world didn’t implode! Yay.  I plan on writing a couple of blog posts on steeking crochet because I really think it should be incorporated into more designs.  I much prefer tapestry crochet in the round rather than in rows.  So, here is the design and the ways I liked to style it:

Discount codes are set up on both patterns on Ravelry.  Use CROCHETCLAN at check out to receive 50% discount.
I also finished my knitted version of Arete and here it is too.

4 – En Route
It is all about socks!  Crocheted socks.  I have two different pairs on the go.  Both are using the same Fallen Leaves pattern by Vicki Brown. 
I am making both pairs with some of Kathryn from Crafternoon Treats yarn so that I can do a side by side comparison.  Both are 80% Corriedale and 20% nylon, but the bright pink one is non-superwash and the light blue is super washed. 

I am intrigued to see the difference between the two and so I am making them both into the same crocheted sock pattern.  My plan is to wear both pairs one day each week for a number of months, put them both through our weekly wool wash and test them side by side to discern whether there is any material difference between superwash and non-superwash.
The yarn is working up really well and is giving great stitch definition with the Fallen Leaves which is beautiful.
5 – Feeding the habit
Well, I was at Yarndale.  I am now on a bit of a yarn ban again and I think I am going to try to take it right through to 2019 and assess the situation then.
So, here is what has been in my shopping basket this month, bearing in mind that much of it is for designs:

Left - 'Orchard' in Bear Twist by Bernie at Bear in Sheep's Clothing
Middle and right-hand side yarn are both Crafternoon Corrie Sock from Kathryn at Crafternoon Treats
Right photo shows all the lovely gifts I have receievd during the month.  Lost of sticth markers and notions.  There were chocolates and tablet...

Left - Alpaca Rose yarn from Border Mill
Right - crochet hook roll and bag from Clarisabeth from Crochet Cakes Podcast and DaintyByCrochetCakes Etsy shop, Chocolate bag and Patons Kroy sock yarn from Claudia at Crochet Luna Podcast and esty shop

Left - BFL, mohair and Pecora Brugno from Officina del Colore Naturale 
Right - Poll Dorset Lambswool from Kate at Northern Yarn
6 - Quick News Beats 
Global Hook Ups – The next Global Hook Up is due to be on Saturday 13th October 2018 (BST)
Time: Saturday 13th October 2018 8:30 PM London BST
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/4750475819  The meeting ID number is 475-047-5819 and you will need to join via Zoom which you can do here:  https://www.zoom.us/join
There is then a second one on Sunday 14th October at 9am (BST)
Time: Sunday 14th October 2018 9:00 AM London BST
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/4750475819  The meeting ID number is 475-047-5819 and you will need to join via Zoom which you can do here:  https://www.zoom.us/join
Making Things App - A new pattern app is in the making.  It is called Making Things App and you can take a look at their website and Instagram.  This is quite a different take on how you can access patterns form designers.  Think of a Netflix monthly payment with access to all of the patterns on the app.  I will report back when I know more about a launch date but what I can say is that as a designer and user of paid-for patterns, I am excited about this new platform.
C2C CAL - Rosina of Zeens & Rogers podcast is hosting a corner to corner (C2C) CAL.  It starts on Sunday 7th October and runs until 17th November.  You can get all the details here in the blogpost.
Glasgow trip – I am heading to my favourite Scottish city on Saturday 24th November.  If anyone fancies meeting up, I will be heading to The Queen of Purls for about 3.30pm.  The yarn shop is at 1069 Argyle Street, Studio 8, Second Floor, The Hive, Glasgow, G3 8LZ and is open until 5pm. So, if you are in or around Glasgow and fancy squishing yarn with me and going for a coffee, please drop me a line.
8 – Big Up
My friend Sophie has taken up podcasting.  She is quite a few episodes in now and you can catch her easy breezy, positive catch ups and see her massive WIP pile over at the A Spring Snowflake Podcast over on YouTube.
Yarndale organisers – it is a fabulous event that is very crochet welcoming and I think becomes more and more crochet friendly every year. 
Everyone with a zombie apocalypse plan.  In a short and unscientific poll at Yarndale, three out of eight people do not have a zombie apocalypse plan.  In case you don’t have a plan, here are some tips:  https://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/masterkungfu/blog/my-zombie-apocalypse-survival-plan/101215/
9 – J’adore
Song – I listen to a fair bit of folk music and Spotify brought me ‘Dark Honey’ by Martin Simpson, Andy Cutting and Nancy Kerr.  It is just beautiful. 
Claudia – Claudia from the Crochet Luan podcast was over for Yarndale.  We had a blast.  It is just as well we live far apart because I don’t think the world is ready for the amount of naughty we would create together!
Fay x
Instagram: Crochet_Circle_Podcast 
Instagram: provenance.craft.co  
Instagram: FayDHDesigns
YouTube: The Crochet Circle Podcast
Crochet Clan on Mighty Network: Invite

Episode 35 - Sockdale

Episode 35 - Sockdale
Release Date
