The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVIII, Part II

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There are some things that cannot be learned from books – prayer most of all! However, St. John, as so many of the Saints speaks to us from long experience as one who truly has seen Christ, knows Christ and has conversed with him deeply. Whatever might be lacking in his thought it still stokes the fire of desire within any heart that longs for God. 
The desert fathers understood that God looks upon us as his sons and daughters his children, and the simplest word or groan from the heart is sufficient to express our need and love. Above all, we are to have gratitude and a spirit of compunction. With these then we approach the Lord with the intentions of our hearts. 
We should not fear our own weakness or the multiplicity of our thoughts that seem to overwhelm us. St. John reminds us that He who “sets the bounds to the sea of the mind will visit us, and during our prayer will say to the waves thus far shall you come and no further.” 
Prayer should be the simplest of things, but also what we hold to be most precious. We should come to see it as necessary as breathing but even more essential. The fathers tell us that we are to become prayer - our life is to be a sacrifice of praise. We are to be the very reflection of Christ. The kingdom is now, heaven is now and dwells within us. May our foolish hearts take hold of the gift that the Beloved offers us so freely.
Text of chat during the group:
00:01:29 Bob Cihak, AZ: p. 234, # 1.5
00:05:18 Bob Cihak, AZ: We were half way thru #1.
00:05:53 Gregory Chura: Which step?
00:06:03 Gregory Chura: Thank you!
00:39:40 Anthony: So how to ignore the rational and irrational mind when praying? Just pray and eventually it happens?  Because my mind gets in the way.  
00:40:42 susan: Jesus [rayer
00:45:37 David: Sometimes something tactile like a chotki, rosary or stone ( have one that fits my hand from a retreat center) can help one become grounded. Others a icon or image can help set the mind and still others a candle or breathing technique can quickly return us to a calm state.
00:51:37 Wayne: Doing some active physical activity can settle the mind down before prayer.
01:03:05 Jeff O.: proverbs 24
01:03:22 Jeff O.: verse 16
01:03:24 Nypaver Clan: Verse 16
01:14:56 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!
01:14:59 Jeff O.: Thank you!
01:15:02 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:15:05 David: Thanks Father!
01:15:06 Gregory Chura: Thank you, Father!
01:15:11 Kevin Burke: Thank you Father!

The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVIII, Part II

The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVIII, Part II
Release Date
