The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVII: On Stillness of Mind and Body, Part VI

Release Date:

St. John Climacus once again gives us powerful images to help us understand the meaning of stillness and how it is to be protected. One such image is that of an eyelash that falls into the eye and creates irritation. The enemy of stillness is agitation; we are often driven to distraction by a concern for our physical and emotional well-being. Fear can create within us a kind of hypochondria. We become hypersensitive to our health and well-being. Unchecked, this fear can be become so excessive that it creates a massive neurosis that prevent us from trusting in the providence and promises of God. We no longer feel ourselves being drawn along by love or seeking to remain in that stillness in order that we might know intimacy with the beloved. Rather, we desperately push forward, driving ourselves to the point of exhaustion, seeking a worldly peace and security. 
However, in this we deprive ourselves of a childlike sense of wonder at the life and love the God has made possible for us. Therefore, as Christ tells us, we may not experience the kingdom even though it dwells within us because we are focused upon controlling our life and shaping our own identity. Once the simplicity is lost, it can lead to a kind of quiet desperation. Our hearts long for love from others and from God, but in the complexity that we have created and the thick hedge of responsibilities with which we surround ourselves, we lose faith and hope that such freedom can ever be ours again.
Text of chat during the group:
00:03:18 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 228, #48
00:26:14 Anthony: Another issue is for one in involuntary solitude, having a desire for companionship goes out to fill the void
00:27:33 Anthony: This is a reason for excessive social media or tv or radio, and God's gifts are dissipated
00:30:57 Bob Cihak, AZ: The stutters are because you're reflecting as we go.
00:36:19 Anthony: Not to analyze the thoughts.  I've been surprised by horrid thoughts, and thereafter been so concerned about them, that concern brings them to mind.
00:47:15 Kate : It’s almost as if we don’t trust the grace of God.  We don’t trust the Providence of God and His Presence within the soul.
00:55:09 Susanna Joy: So true...believing the promise of God's everlasting goodness is key. Elizabeth said to Mary: Blessed is she who believed that the promise made by God would be fulfilled.
And it is true for all of us.
00:57:32 Lilly (Toronto, CA): Covid was a curse *and* a blessing, it brought Fr Abernethy to my life...I am so grateful 🙏
00:57:51 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "Covid was a curse *a..." with 🥰
00:57:57 Lilly (Toronto, CA): Reacted to "Covid was a curse *a…" with 🥰
00:58:40 Kevin Burke: Reacted to "Covid was a curse *a…" with 👌
01:03:55 Susanna Joy: Yes...wonder!
01:04:13 Greg C: It was a blessing to me as I began to read scripture much more deeply, and understand the Divine Liturgy with so much more love.
01:04:26 Susanna Joy: Reacted to It was a blessing to... with "❤️"
01:04:36 Susanna Joy: Reacted to Covid was a curse *a... with "❤️"
01:04:46 Greg C: Reacted to "Covid was a curse *a..." with ❤️
01:16:49 Susanna Joy: Jesus did say, unless you become like little children you cannot enter the kingdom of God.
01:19:21 Susanna Joy: Trust and Wonder.💗
01:19:58 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father!
01:20:08 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:21:08 Cindy Moran: My birthday is July 8...I will be thinking of you!
01:21:18 Sharon: Thank you!

The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVII: On Stillness of Mind and Body, Part VI

The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVII: On Stillness of Mind and Body, Part VI
Release Date
