TT028: Half Ironman Training Questions From Second Year Triathlete Shawn Deal

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Shawn Deal Half Ironman Training Questions
My guest is second year triathlete Shawn Deal from Springfield Missouri. Shawn did a few triathlons and duathlons last year and this year he’s gearing up for the Kansas 70.3 Half Ironman on June 8.
Shawn is finishing his Masters in Divinity on May 3. He has a triathlon on May 4 and the Olympic distance Memphis in May Triathlon on May 18.  In June he will do the Half Ironman Kansas 70.3 triathlon.
Shawn is a member of the Ozark Multisport Club (  In his first triathlon last year Shawn was pulled under water early in the swim and didn’t finish the race.  After the race he questioned whether to continue with the sport, but several members of his club offered support and he stuck with it.  They even offered a surprise gift to help him with his racing this year.
I answer several of Shawn’s questions regarding adding run intensity, volume, race day nutrition, doing an Ironman, and more.

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TT028: Half Ironman Training Questions From Second Year Triathlete Shawn Deal

TT028: Half Ironman Training Questions From Second Year Triathlete Shawn Deal
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