TT013: Swim Tips From Kevin Koskella

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The guest for this episode is Kevin Koskella from,, and the Tri Swim Coach podcast. Kevin offers advice to swimmers of all levels during this interview.
He offers 5 tips specifically for intermediate to advanced swimmers.
1. Take time to do sprints once per week
For example: 8X50, the first 25 yards are all out sprint, next 25 are easy to moderate, 15-20 seconds rest.
2. Use equipment
Fins - Kevins preference is the Finis Z2 Gold Zoomers.  They help with kick and ankle flexibility. Use as a tool while doing drills and some sprint sets.
Paddles - Kevin likes the Finis Freestyler paddles because they teach how to pull the right way. He believes some paddles can exacerbate problems in the pull and cause shoulder issues.
3. Strength training
He likes to include deckups (pull yourself out of the pool) and pushups with swimming.  It results in less yardage, but adds in strength training.  Some of these ideals are similar to Brian McKenzie of CrossFIt. He also recommends the use of elastic tubing.
4. Decrease your interval
Over a given distance give yourself less rest and decrease your interval.  In a Masters swim group this might mean moving up a lane.
5. Play free golf
Example workout:
6X50 with 20 to 30 seconds rest. Count your strokes and your time on each 50. Your score is the combination of your time and your strokes for each 50.  For each subsequent 50 you want to lower your score. This requires getting more efficient or doing a higher effort while maintaining good form.
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TT013: Swim Tips From Kevin Koskella

TT013: Swim Tips From Kevin Koskella
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