COURSE PODCAST CLIP: Practical Tips for Talking with Post-Abortive Women

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Every other Wednesday we publish a new episode of the Equipped for Life Podcast, available to everyone who purchases our course, "Equipped for Life: A Fresh Approach to Conversations about Abortion." Generally, these podcast episodes won’t be available to the general public, but we plan on releasing short clips from the episodes every Thursday, to give you a sense of what these podcasts are like. In this episode of the Equipped for Life Course Podcast, Rachel interviews Lori Navrodtzke, a Pregnancy Resource Center counselor and Justice For All volunteer, about how to dialogue with people about abortion if they’ve already had one. In this clip, Rachel and Lori discuss how we should proceed in the conversation if we ask someone if they have had a personal abortion experience and they say “no.” They also give some examples of how to let people know about post-abortive healing, even if they don’t feel like they need it at this time. ERI Website: ERI Blog: ERI Course:

COURSE PODCAST CLIP: Practical Tips for Talking with Post-Abortive Women

COURSE PODCAST CLIP: Practical Tips for Talking with Post-Abortive Women
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