Teresa Lesher: Searching for God, Finding Love

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Teresa Lesher is the author of the new Searching for God, Finding Love, which is an inspirational account of her personal journey deeper into faith upon the quest for truth, and in which she details her personal healing path and realization that God's divine love and mercy are both imminent and accessible by turning "inwards and upwards."

The truth is easy to see. The decision is the hard part. I thank God every day for being Muslim. I'm very grateful to be among the Muslims.
Teresa Lesher

In this illuminating conversation, Teresa describes how she came to embrace Islam in the early 1980's while at college in the United States at a time prior to the internet and when there was remarkably little information about the faith.

She explains the importance of belief in the Day of Accounting, the necessity of balance in faith by deepening one's spirituality in addition to upholding the formal disciplines of religion, that love must be based in action and in service, the key to authentic self-discovery, and much more.

Teresa also shares the impact of the Course in Spiritual Healing upon her personal spiritual journey and awakening to the power and presence of God, and emphasizes the importance of realizing that the key to connection with our Creator lies in the very breath we are given each living moment.

The best part of the course for me were the meditations and the breathwork. They helped me to still my soul, to feel more centered and to find some balance, and to find some quiet and peace.
Teresa Lesher

We also discuss the importance of recognition of results in the context of discernment, the profound and incomprehensible gift of access to the very speech of God in the form of the Holy Qur'an, how love heals and connects, the impact of technology and the internet on our culture, the importance of unplugging from the world, the difference between information and enlightenment, the power in the emptiness of the desert, and much more.

About Teresa Lesher

Teresa Lesher as of the time of writing lives in Kuwait with her family and is wife, mother, writer and most importantly servant of God. She is the author of Searching for God, Finding Love, and you can learn more about Teresa as well as purchase her book and connect with her directly via her website, Teresa Lesher.

All this time I’ve been searching for God, and I found Him, as close to me as my breath.

And so, before and beyond all my labels, titles, positions, and duties, I remembered my source in God, His breath breathed into my tiny body, and eventually a breath my body will exhale as I make my return journey to my Maker. Now I’m sure of who I am. And now that I know myself, I know everyone. We are all, essentially, a breath from God; we are created by Him, we belong to Him, and we are returning to Him. In the meantime, I will do my best to honor the privilege of my existence and implication of my origin. I will respect myself, and strive to be whole and wholesome, loving and loved, tender and joyful. I will honor all living things, since they, too, house that divine breath. I will stay conscious of my source and my destination and, in between, during this sojourn on earth, I will do my best to stay true to my essence, to always be, first and foremost, a breath of God.

When I leave my bodily dwelling and return to God, I hope that I am recognized as belonging to Him, deemed worthy of His presence, welcomed home at last.
Teresa Lesher

Teresa Lesher: Searching for God, Finding Love

Teresa Lesher: Searching for God, Finding Love
Release Date
