Trials and Tribulations of the Anti-Christ

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Based upon the Hadith of Jibril (as), we learn that included in the fundamental and foundational components of the religion is knowledge of the signs that pertain to the last days of the current age, traditionally known as Akhir Zaman.

Traditional knowledge transmits that the world will continue to descend into its demise with increasing corruption, tyranny, abuse and oppression, and that a tragic state of affairs will continue to deteriorate until an entity known as the Dajjal, or the anti-Christ, manifests as the embodiment of evil upon the earth.

At this point, the Mahdi (as), or the "Guided One," will be revealed and revive divinely guided leadership within the nation of believers. This moment will then be immediately followed by the return of the great messenger and prophet of God, Jesus (as), who will then proceed to slay the anti-Christ and re-establish peace and justice within the earth.

Regarding the anti-Christ, or perhaps more accurately the "anti-Messiah," the Messenger of God ﷺ described the signs as well as the trials and tribulations that would accompany this great deceiver, and admonished the believers to strengthen faith in their hearts so as to not be seduced by the deception this greatest of tests for humanity.

Among the qualities and characteristics that describe the anti-Christ, the following are chief and essential for they who seek truth to be mindful and vigilant of:





In this post, I share essential traditions related to the trials and tribulations of the anti-Christ, and make the point that there is a strong correlation between the above characteristics that define his methodology with the current trajectory of technological innovation.

As they who seek to prepare ourselves for the inevitable destiny of this world and the conclusion of our own personal lives, we remind ourselves of the vital imperative to strengthen the light of faith within our hearts so as to meet eternity in the best of states and conditions, and to stand upon truth, excellence and beauty in times of both ease and difficulty.

May Allah Almighty grant us the sacred and divine power of discernment through the light of faith within our hearts, and lead us to our best possible destinies in seeking to serve He Most High, Most Sublime, Absolute and Eternal.


To your divine and eternal success.

Trials and Tribulations of the Anti-Christ

Soul of Islam Radio
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