Embracing the Storm: A Lesson From Buffalo

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"The best way out is always through." – Robert Frost In this episode, Eddie Pinero shares a powerful metaphor about how cows and buffalo handle approaching storms. While cows attempt to outrun the storm, only to prolong their time in it, buffalo face the storm head-on, getting through it faster and emerging stronger. This lesson applies to the challenges we face in life—when we try to avoid or outrun them, we only extend the suffering. But when we have the courage to confront them directly, we grow. What storm in your life do you need to face? Monday Motivation Newsletter: https://www.eddiepinero.com/newsletter Free Ebook: www.eddiepinero.com/ebook  YouTube: www.eddiepinero.com/youtube 

Embracing the Storm: A Lesson From Buffalo

Embracing the Storm: A Lesson From Buffalo
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