Prue Taylor & Klaus Bosselmann | The Earth Charter, International Environmental Law and Global Governance

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Quick Overview
Prue Taylor and Dr. Klaus Bosselmann recall how their concerns over the existing laws and systems led to their participation and collaboration in the drafting of the Earth Charter. On the document’s relevance nowadays, Ms. Taylor draws attention to the global citizenship movement and also explains how the Earth Charter is a tool to hold ourselves to account and to continue the needed ongoing dialogues on how to care and protect the Earth. Dr. Bosselmann stresses on the Earth Charter’s ongoing importance, especially to informing and influencing decision making. Additionally, he expresses his opinion on how the Earth Charter is neither a hard law nor a soft law.
Additionally, Ms. Taylor and Dr. Bosselmann share their understandings of ecological integrity and elaborate on key concepts such as “the commons” and “trusteeships,” and relevant arguments in their publications. They conclude with a discussion on humanity’s major challenge, which Dr. Bosselmann believes is fear, and Ms. Taylor identifies as disturbed and fractured human-Earth relationships.

Prue Taylor & Klaus Bosselmann | The Earth Charter, International Environmental Law and Global Governance

Prue Taylor & Klaus Bosselmann | The Earth Charter, International Environmental Law and Global Governance
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