Ashok Khosla | Global Challenges, Sustainability and Social Movements

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Quick Overview
In this episode, Dr. Khosla brings with him the same passion he has put into the work in the field. According to his analysis, the causes of humanity’s biggest challenges can be traced to our consumption patterns, production systems and value system to science and technology, as well as neoliberal and neoclassical economic systems. To lead the change towards sustainability in the current world, civil society must act as one to exert impacts on business and government. While the three “mine-sets” – an original and refreshing summary – remain commonplace in the past three decades, UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) stand as a remarkable achievement despite necessary compromises, and the Earth Charter provides a shining example of a constructive document which is a precise, thorough product of the input and scrutiny of a vast public.

Ashok Khosla | Global Challenges, Sustainability and Social Movements

Ashok Khosla | Global Challenges, Sustainability and Social Movements
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