#038 How Clutter May Be Impacting Health (Mental, Emotional, and Physical) and the Actual Costs of It

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In this episode, I chat about clutter (mental, physical, emotional). I talk about the costs and the impacts that they all have on our health as well as talk about things to look for and actionable steps to start creating boundaries so that you don't get to a place of overwhelment in your own home.Our homes should be our havens, and is we are constantly consuming, storing, decluttering, we are diverting a lot of time and energy to things that do not give us life or bring us joy!Clutter not only drains our physical energy, but mental clarity and focus impacting our jobs, roles in life, and decision making day to day.Let's dive into the whole clutter phenomena and learn how to break free from the hold it has on our time, our attention, our peace, and our clarity!For more on this and SO much more, head to IG @dr.stacy.ndThank you so much for being here, talk soon!-Dr. Stacy

#038 How Clutter May Be Impacting Health (Mental, Emotional, and Physical) and the Actual Costs of It

#038 How Clutter May Be Impacting Health (Mental, Emotional, and Physical) and the Actual Costs of It
Release Date
