Vagus Nerve Morning Yoga | Yoga with Melissa 638

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In this vagus nerve yoga class for morning we will become familiar with our vagus nerve and the vagal brake through breathing. This will allow our nervous systems to move flexibly through our day, to meet the demands of our day. When our nervous systems are flexible, the vagal brake can release to allow us to move into action and then have the resilience to return to ease and calm so that the challenges of life feel more doable. This yoga class focuses on stretching the adductors/inner thighs and hip flexors. We will practice several variations of warrior one pose and goddess victory squat throughout this vagus nerve yoga class for the morning.
Vagus Nerve Restorative Yoga
Vagus Nerve Exercises for Relaxation
Vagus Nerve Massage for Stress & Anxiety Relief
Vagus Nerve Massage for Insomnia
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Vagus Nerve Morning Yoga | Yoga with Melissa 638

Vagus Nerve Morning Yoga | Yoga with Melissa 638
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