Nurture a Peaceful Heart Full Body Yin Yang Yoga | YWM 662

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In this yin yang yoga class to nurture a peaceful heart, we will dedicate the first 30 minutes to gentle and intentional yin postures to cultivate tranquility and inner peace.

Beginning with wide-legged child’s pose, we will surrender to the present moment and gather the yin energy required for the yang portion of the class in our sea of tranquility.

Next, we target your heart meridian with broken wing pose and begin our exploration of the principles of yin. In each of the yin poses, I will give you the anchor of a unique loving kindness mantra to nurture a peaceful heart.

As we move through the yin portion of the class, we cultivate softness, gentleness and compassion within ourselves and radiate that kindness outward into the world.

In heart-melting pose, we lovingly surrender into the realm of non-doing, embracing stillness and cultivating peace within ourselves. Finally, in supported-fish pose, I will teach you an acupressure point to regulate your emotions in fire element season.

In the second half of our yin yang yoga class, we fuse the elements of hatha and qigong to nurture a peaceful heart. The second half of our 60 minute journey includes integrating movement, breath and intention to awaken the peaceful energy within us.

We begin by offering ourselves self-care and love by gently hugging ourselves in knee to chest pose. In cat pose, moving from our hearts fosters a sense of peace. In our lunge pose, I will challenge you to maintain a peaceful presence as we incorporate balancing elements throughout the movement.

As we come into standing, I will ask you to release any burdens that are getting in the way of your experiencing peace. There are several movements from standing that will balance your yin and yang energies.

We will explore warrior one as a way to release impatience, anxiety, restlessness and excess emotions. As well as a way to clear the path to a peaceful heart. We will also practice peaceful warrior to nourish our peaceful hearts.

We will conclude this yin yang practice with a nourishing yin massage and some gentle movements from your heart in a seated position to connect with the peace in your heart.

As always, I will share some beautiful poetry in savasana to uplift your heart.

Yin Yoga Portion for Nurture a Peaceful Heart Full Body Yin Yang Yoga
Wide-Legged Child’s Pose
Broken Wing Pose
Half Melting Heart Pose
Supported Fish Pose

Yang Portion of Nurture a Peaceful Heart Full Body Yin Yang Yoga

knees to chest pose
cat pose
lunge pose
Side bending
Warrior one
Peaceful warrior
Goddess Victory Squat
Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold
Easy Pose

Poem: what I really need by Julia Fehrenbacher

Props Needed: 2 yoga blocks

Nurture a Peaceful Heart Full Body Yin Yang Yoga | YWM 662

Nurture a Peaceful Heart Full Body Yin Yang Yoga | YWM 662
Release Date
