Full Body Deep Stretch with Sun Salutations | YWM 657

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This hatha yoga full body deep stretch will support you in releasing tension and sore muscles at any time of day but is great for mornings. We will support our nervous system in this deep stretching using a technique called Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF). PNF stretching involves a combination of stretching and contracting muscles to improve your flexibility by creating a feeling of safety in your nervous system.

We will start this full body deep stretch hatha yoga class with wrist-free sun salutations to improve circulation and blood flow throughout your body so that you have enhanced delivery of oxygen and nutrients in your muscles and organs as we move into our deep stretching. This dynamic warm up will help prepare your body for the rest of the class and improves the flexibility and mobility of your spine.

This deep stretching class will improve the flexibility of your side bends which will help to stretch and lengthen the muscles and connective tissues along the sides of your torso, including the intercostal muscles, obliques, and quadratus lumborum, which can become tight and restricted due to poor posture, prolonged sitting, or repetitive movements

Uttanasana or Standing forward fold will provide a deep stretch for your hamstrings and improve hamstring flexibility. Cobra will increase the flexibility of your spine, open your chest and stretch the muscles of your chest, shoulders and abdomen, countering the hunched postures from keyboarding. Cobra is also fantastic for alleviating back pain.

Puppy Pose is an excellent stretch for the chest and shoulders, which are common areas of tension and tightness due to poor posture, stress, and long hours of sitting. It opens the chest and shoulders, releasing tension and promoting better posture.

We will spend some time with some neck stretches which can help release tension and tightness in the neck and shoulders, both are common areas of stress and tension due to poor posture, stress, and daily activities.

Easy Pose Twist involves a deep rotational stretch that requires movement in the hips and shoulders, helping to improve mobility and flexibility in these areas. This can be particularly beneficial for those who have tight hips or shoulders due to sedentary lifestyles or other factors.

We will stretch your lower body in Wide Legged Seated Forward Fold or Upavistha Konasana which provides a deep stretch to the inner thighs, hamstrings, and groin. It helps to open the hips by stretching the adductor muscles (inner thighs) and external rotator muscles of the hips.

This class even includes a few wrist stretches to support you in improving your wrist flexibility which can help prepare your wrists for more advanced yoga poses that require greater wrist flexibility and strength, such as handstands, arm balances, and inversions. Proper wrist preparation can reduce the risk of injury and promote safe and effective practice of advanced poses.

We will finish our full body deep yoga stretch class with savasana to allow your body to release tension and induce a state of calmness and relaxation, activating your parasympathetic nervous system, your rest and digest. This will allow you to integrate your deep stretch.

Full Body Deep Stretch Sun Salutation Sequence

Sun Salutation
Side Bend
Wrist Stretches
Neck Stretches
Easy Pose Twist
Figure Four

Poem: Getting Out by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

Full Body Deep Stretch with Sun Salutations | YWM 657

Full Body Deep Stretch with Sun Salutations | YWM 657
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