178 Add Some Pizazz

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Pizazz is one of those unusual words, that sounds kind of cool, but is a bit vague.  In presenting terms, we are really looking at being more interesting and engaging and doing that in a sparky, non-anticipatory way.  A workman like, by the numbers, presentation is fundamentally boring.  A recent presenter did a painting by numbers job with his effort.  The talk had completed the exercise in the allotted time and he had spoken about a number of key points.  The delivery was wooden though, the voice tone was flat, the whole thing was a lifeless shambles really.  When you are in a high profile role, like being the CEO, then you simply have to perform.  Never forget we judge your whole organisation on you.  So engaging your audience is a requirement.  This is easy to say, but not so easy to do.  Energy is a key component of this process.  Somehow we all know that enthusiasm is contagious, but miraculously manage to forget this, when we start speaking in front of groups.    If the leader is low energy, we somehow doubt they can do the job properly.  With the prevalence of YouTube videos and business social media, presenters are starting to really branch out.  This was brought back to me not so long ago, when I saw a video on LinkedIn of someone I know and the delivery was fundamentally funereal.  The voice was a monotone, the energy was totally insignificant and the exercise was absolutely dreary, not motivational.  Sadly, the message was just destroyed, totally killed by the poor delivery.  Now if you are going to put yourself out there, especially in the crowded alleyways of the YouTube video world and broadcast through social media, then you have to step it up.  If you want your message to cut through the white noise of a squillion other presenters, then you need to have an attitude that says, “I want to stand out and be heard”.  If you want to move into video, then you really need to compete.  This is not just you presenting while being recorded.  Yes, you can do that, but if you are going to blast yourself around the world via video on social media, then add pizazz to the mix and make it interesting.  Be that little bit unexpected, have something that differentiates you from the pack.  You don’t have to be handsome, beautiful, deep bass DJ voiced or tall.  You just have to be interesting, engaging and relevant.  Use voice modulation, tell stories, speak with, not at your audience and bring your full energy to the task.  Okay, let’s all go back to the drawing board.  Let’s stop doing what we have always done and think about how we could add some pizazz to our presentations and start experimenting, to find what works best for each of us.

178 Add Some Pizazz

178 Add Some Pizazz
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