092: Beyond Plant-Based Activism: Health, Climate, and Animal Compassion with Dr. Faraz Harsini

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From chemical engineering to leading advocate for veganism and plant-based nutrition, Dr. Faraz Harsini's career transformation is as captivating as a bestselling mystery novel. As the founder and CEO of Allied Scholars for Animal Protection (ASAP), his story illustrates how a shift in perspective can drive significant changes in public health and animal welfare. Early Influences and Career Shift Dr. Harsini’s journey into animal protection began with his early involvement in alleviating suffering. Inspired by the work of Patch Adams, he volunteered as a hospital clown, bringing joy to children battling cancer. This experience ignited a desire in him to make a more meaningful impact, prompting a shift from studying chemical engineering to pursuing a PhD in biomedical sciences with a focus on cancer research. Awakening to Plant-Based Living A pivotal moment in Dr. Harsini’s life occurred when he began to question the dietary beliefs he had grown up with. Raised in a culture where meat consumption was deemed essential for health, a conversation with a friend challenged his views on animal products. This, coupled with growing awareness of the ethical and environmental consequences of meat consumption, led him to adopt a vegetarian and eventually a vegan lifestyle. Impact of Plant-Based Diet on Health Dr. Harsini’s transition to a plant-based diet was more than a personal choice; it marked a professional epiphany. He realized that reducing animal product consumption could have a profound impact on health outcomes, particularly in preventing diseases like cancer. His research revealed that many leading causes of death, including cancer and heart disease, are preventable through lifestyle changes, further solidifying his commitment to advocating for plant-based nutrition as a key strategy for enhancing public health. More about Dr. Harsini at: https://www.healthscience.org/podcast/092-Dr-Faraz-Harsini  

092: Beyond Plant-Based Activism: Health, Climate, and Animal Compassion with Dr. Faraz Harsini

092: Beyond Plant-Based Activism: Health, Climate, and Animal Compassion with Dr. Faraz Harsini
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