Establishing New Patterns in Relationships with Courtney Burg (EP310)

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In this episode, Diane interviews Courtney Burg about her book, 'Loyal to a Fault: How to Establish New Patterns When Loving Others Has Left You Hurting.' Courtney shares her personal journey of overcoming codependency and establishing healthier patterns of behavior. She discusses the importance of assessing past experiences and taking inventory of inherited patterns. Courtney also emphasizes the significance of setting boundaries and the fear and challenges that come with it. People pleasing, complaining, and exhaustion may be the norm, but at any moment you can choose to do things differently and today's episode is a great place to start.

Assessing past experiences and taking inventory of inherited patterns is crucial for personal growth.

Setting boundaries can be challenging due to the fear of disappointing others and the desire for connection.

Repeating behaviors from the past is common, but it is possible to break free from unhealthy patterns.

Choosing the pain of change and embracing growth can lead to healthier relationships and personal fulfillment.

Links Discussed in This Episode

Order a Copy of Minimalist Moms: Living and Parenting with Simplicity

Substack: Minimalist Moms Podcast

Book: Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself by Melody Beattie

Stauf's Seasonal Flavored Coffee

Connect with Courtney:

Book: Loyal to a Fault: How to Establish New Patterns When Loving Others Has Left You Hurting by Courtney Burg



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Establishing New Patterns in Relationships with Courtney Burg (EP310)

Establishing New Patterns in Relationships with Courtney Burg (EP310)
Release Date
