Is College Worth $500,000? and The Future of Work in an AI World (DF#119)

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Is going to college worth $500,000? Today, we talk about the high cost of college and the exponential increase in tuition over the last few decades. Unemployment and underemployment is on the rise for college graduates which is making everyone question whether or not college is a good option for them or their kids. 
We also talk about the future of work in an increasingly AI-driven world and how you can prepare your career for that inevitable future. 
What You’ll Learn:
- The changing landscape of higher education and the need for more flexible options.
- The importance of people skills in an increasingly automated world and the future of job security.
- The impact of AI on various industries, the need for upskilling, and opportunities for individuals and industries.
- The potential impact of AI on job automation and the importance of upskilling for individuals in low-skilled jobs.
- The significance of soft skills, communication, and likability in job interviews in an automated world.
Join us as we explore the changing landscape of higher education and the future of job security. Don't miss out on this week’s actionable tips!

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Is College Worth $500,000? and The Future of Work in an AI World (DF#119)

Is College Worth $500,000? and The Future of Work in an AI World (DF#119)
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