Supporting art and poetry in the community with Andrew Alan Matthews

Release Date:

A warm Mancunian welcome to all my listeners.
In the fourth episode, the Meet the Mancunian podcast talks to Andrew Alan Matthews, artist and poet about his inspiring story of transforming the negative portrayal of Moss Side into a positive one through his Moss Side Nostalgia art
collection. Andrew discusses his lifelong passion for art, the challenges he faced, including mental health struggles, and his efforts in aiding the community through his uplifting work. He also touches on his recent projects, including a tribute to boxer Len Johnson. Listeners are encouraged to view his impactful artwork and learn how to channel creativity for mental health and community improvement.
In Andrew’s own words:
Andrew Alan Matthews: “I've been producing me Moss Side Nostalgia Collection for some years now. My first collection of me Moss Side Nostalgia Collection got sold to a private collector from Down South. He drove all the
way on a Sunday to buy all the collection. He was so impressed with it. And I've been now doing more work on that collection just recently.
Trying to turn negative portrayal of Moss Side into a positive portrayal by doing poetry and paintings of the areas around Manchester and Salford. And especially Moss Side at the moment because that's what I'm concentrating on. So, the Moss Side Nostalgia Collection is all about bringing positivity to Moss Side.”
#art #poetry #GM #manchester #community #SocialImpact #NonProfit Hosted by Deepa
Thomas-Sutcliffe (
Did you know:  
·     52.1% of all households in Moss Side are single family households, the largest household composition
·      36.4% of all households are deprived in one dimension, the largest category in Moss Side, above the average of Manchester (32.8%).
·     64.9% of Moss Side’s population are deprived in one or more dimensions.
Key resources:
Andrew Alan Matthew’s art
Moss Side community fund
Time stamps of key moments in the podcast episode &
01:49 Introduction to Andrew Alan Matthews
02:00 Discovering a Passion for Art
03:08 Exhibitions and Revisiting Influences
03:26 Moss Side Nostalgia Collection
04:45 Challenges and Mental Health Journey
06:01 Impact and Community Work
10:50 Len Johnson Tribute
15:05 Signature Questions
21:22 Closing Thoughts and Farewell
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Supporting art and poetry in the community with Andrew Alan Matthews

Supporting art and poetry in the community with Andrew Alan Matthews
Release Date
