Community-led architecture with Charlie Butterwick

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A warm Mancunian welcome to all my listeners. Presenting Season 6, Episode 10 of the #MeettheMancunian #podcast #GM #manchester #community #architecture #socialimpact. I'm Deepa Thomas-Sutcliffe, your friendly host.

In the tenth episode, the Meet the Mancunian podcast talks to Charlie Butterwick [], Director, Architecture Unknown [] about his passion for community-led architecture. He shares his passion for working with communities and giving people a voice to shape their spaces.

Charlie talks about learning how architecture can be respectful to local communities and how important it is to consult people and involve them before the design stage. They also try to involve communities in the construction phase using Wikihouse which allows people with no building experience to get involved in construction.

Did you know:

· Community-led architecture is about asking the right questions and embracing the humility to listen and understand other people's points of view, but also their expertise in the places where they live.

· Wikihouse []is a modern method of construction based on using plywood. It is sustainable, efficient, cheaper and faster to build using Wikihouse, It makes buildings accessible for people with no particular building skills as it goes together with just a mallet and screws

Time stamps of key moments in the podcast episode & transcript:

00:03:26 introducing community-led architecture

00:05:04 talking about Architecture Unknown

00:06:27 sharing some of the projects

00:13:02 some of the challenges he has had to overcome

00:16:57 the impact he has made

Listen to the episode and read the transcript on []

Community-led architecture with Charlie Butterwick

Community-led architecture with Charlie Butterwick
Release Date
